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Closing message (5:16 to 5:27)
Welcome to the very beginning of this learning journey.
This module will guide you in doing the following to be ready to engage successfully.
This course takes you on a transformative journey to develop the mindsets of an ethical, future-focused leader of learning. This is also a transdisciplinary mindset, agile, reflexive, and able to explore from multiple perspectives, cross disciplinary boundaries, and work connectively to innovate. We need these mindsets to address “wicked problems” in the world – complex problems that continuously emerge even as we address them. Some of the most “wicked” – are in the enterprise of education and my goal is to work with you to understand the landscape of education, how it is shifting, and how we can become teacher-leaders and scholars who can make a difference to future generations. For a detailed course description and information on assignments, expectations, schedule, policies, and resources, please see the Syllabus.
Important Information
Course Location: On Zoom. https://cgu.zoom.us/j/98110785464
Please use the recurring links in the Zoom tab on the left nav bar.
Course Day/Time: Fridays. 3:40 – 6:30 PM
Instructor: Jonathan G. Aragon
Contact: jonathan.aragon@cgu.edu
Office Hours : Fridays from 1pm to 2pm. Zoom
*Office hours are a time where students are encouraged to come meet with the instructor.
Course Outcomes
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Use systems thinking and complexity frameworks to represent and analyze the interconnectivity between and within global and educational systems and the impact on educational equity and opportunity.
- Apply Design Thinking to explore and represent complex intersectional identities, histories, and lived experiences of students and teachers in an educational context.
- Apply learning sciences and ethical, future-focused pedagogical principles to design and facilitate learning that transcends disciplinary teaching cultures in order to engage all learners actively in learning success.
- Design inclusive courses that set goals and formative processes that engage students actively and collaboratively in mastering both course content and critical human capacity skills for flourishing in the future.
- Use multiple modalities, both analog and digital, to engage learners in meaningful, successful learning.
- Articulate a teaching philosophy and reflexive practice that infuse course design and facilitation of learning.
- Demonstrate reflexivity and preparation for life-long growth as a teacher-leader and scholar through reflective writing and development of a Reflective Portfolio.
Key Pages
Here are some important pages that give you course information and guidance.
- Getting Started • Class Preparation
- Class Portraits!
- Class Slides
- Modules
- Ask a Question Forum
- Class Log_Changes
- Join The CGU Ethical Pedagogy Community
- CGU’s Student Orientation for Online Courses
Support Resources
Check out these useful resources that will help you manage and do great work as well as navigate CGU’s academic requirements