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Closing message (5:16 to 5:27)

Welcome to the very beginning of this learning journey.

This module will guide you in doing the following to be ready to engage successfully. 

This course takes you on a transformative journey to develop the mindsets of an ethical, future-focused leader of learning. This is also a transdisciplinary mindset, agile, reflexive, and able to explore from multiple perspectives, cross disciplinary boundaries, and work connectively to innovate. We need these mindsets to address “wicked problems” in the world – complex problems that continuously emerge even as we address them. Some of the most “wicked” – are in the enterprise of education and my goal is to work with you to understand the landscape of education, how it is shifting, and how we can become teacher-leaders and scholars who can make a difference to future generations. For a detailed course description and information on assignments, expectations, schedule, policies, and resources, please see the Syllabus.


Important Information

Course Location: On Zoom. https://cgu.zoom.us/j/98110785464
Please use the recurring links in the Zoom tab on the left nav bar. 
Course Day/Time: Fridays. 3:40 – 6:30 PM
Instructor: Jonathan G. Aragon
Contact: jonathan.aragon@cgu.edu
Office Hours : Fridays from 1pm to 2pm. Zoom


*Office hours are a time where students are encouraged to come meet with the instructor.


Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Use systems thinking and complexity frameworks to represent and analyze the interconnectivity between and within global and educational systems and the impact on educational equity and opportunity.
  2. Apply Design Thinking to explore and represent complex intersectional identities, histories, and lived experiences of students and teachers in an educational context.
  3. Apply learning sciences and ethical, future-focused pedagogical principles to design and facilitate learning that transcends disciplinary teaching cultures in order to engage all learners actively in learning success.
  4. Design inclusive courses that set goals and formative processes that engage students actively and collaboratively in mastering both course content and critical human capacity skills for flourishing in the future.
  5. Use multiple modalities, both analog and digital, to engage learners in meaningful, successful learning.
  6. Articulate a teaching philosophy and reflexive practice that infuse course design and facilitation of learning.
  7. Demonstrate reflexivity and preparation for life-long growth as a teacher-leader and scholar through reflective writing and development of a Reflective Portfolio.


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